The Health Benefits of Deep Breathing

Most Americans today are unhealthy for one simple reason. They do not breathe properly. Improper breathing can bring on everything from anxiety and panic attacks to being unable to get rid of the carbon dioxide that builds up in our body. We literally starve ourselves of the oxygen we need to survive.

Our society has developed a very sedentary lifestyle, whether it be from working at our computers or playing video games on television. We simply do not get the exercise that we need, and as a result our bodies are not getting enough oxygen. To give you a more graphic picture, it is as if we are smothering ourselves, but instead of death coming in a short time, we are prolonging the process.

The limiting of oxygen to our bodies causes our lungs to function improperly, which can cause us to be susceptible to any number of diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia. It is vital to our health that we learn how to breath properly. Fortunately, there are several exercises that can be done to improve our breathing techniques.

The best advice is to start with basics. Learn the proper breathing techniques. When you are breathing correctly you will notice your stomach moving more than your chest. Also start taking in a little more oxygen each time, until you are beathing in long, slow breathes rather than short, shallow breathes. You will begin to find your mood improving and you will have more energy.

There are several websites which are dedicated to the process of healthy breathing. The most important thing is to do it. Many people have intended to start exercising, but their body breaks down before they actually get it done. If you want to save your life, start breathing.